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One of America's most respected and esteemed animal communicators, specializing in the behavior of cats, dogs, horses, and exotic species.

What is Animal Communication? 

Animal Communication is a thought-to-thought exchange or transference of information or data. 

Irene Lane (1).png

Why should I use an Animal Communicator? 

Call Irene if your animal:

  • looks sad or unhappy

  • is growling, aggressive

  • acts with inappropriate conduct

  • barking or meowing too much

  • Something just looks wrong

  • your animal is lost

  • your animal is at an end-of-life decision

  • Your intuition tells you


When not to use an Animal Communicator.

If your animal is physically sick, call the vet.


What is the cost?

About the same as a vet visit.


How do I prepare for a session? 

Before the Session: 

  • Sit quietly with the animal.

  • Pre-write all of the questions you need answered by the Animal Communicator.

During the Session: 

  • Have a notepad and pen ready to document the 50 minute telephone communication session.

  • Be prepared for the animal to both ask and answer questions.

For inquiries, referrals, or to submit a testimonial