What is Animal Communication?
Animal Communication is a thought-to-thought exchange or transference of information or data.
Why should I use an Animal Communicator?
Call Irene if your animal:
looks sad or unhappy
is growling, aggressive
acts with inappropriate conduct
barking or meowing too much
Something just looks wrong
your animal is lost
your animal is at an end-of-life decision
Your intuition tells you
When not to use an Animal Communicator.
If your animal is physically sick, call the vet.
What is the cost?
About the same as a vet visit.
How do I prepare for a session?
Before the Session:
Or call 610 328 1933
Sit quietly with the animal.
Pre-write all of the questions you need answered by the Animal Communicator.
During the Session:
Have a notepad and pen ready to document the 50 minute telephone communication session.
Be prepared for the animal to both ask and answer questions.